Emotional Integration

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You can Wound Walk yourself to Self-Love: A Three-Step Guide

Hi my Beloved Darklings!

A guide to navigating Painful Memories and Unhealed Trauma is just what we need right about now, so I wrote one. This practice of wound walking is a term I keyed to explain what shadow work is and how it feels as an action.

Inside the article I offer steps on how to begin your own wound walking practice, along with a personal story of how I do the work. In reading these words my hope for you is to gain a sense of peace from knowing that all wounding can be healed and that you are loved.

The more conscious we become of our inner workings, the more adept we become at dismantling triggers and healing the layers of pain on core wounds.

Compassion and acceptance are essential in creating the sense of safety needed to recover our authentic self. They are trusted companions when we invite our wounds to reveal themselves and become our friend.

Being vulnerable, though it has a skewed reputation, is a great show of strength and courage as we seek to understand and connect with our truth through wound walking.

Your freedom, should you choose to recover it, is just a jaunt through a memory—will you walk the journey?

Sink into the deep wisdom of the Full Article by following the link ~ Here.

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