What is Internal Inertia?

Internal Inertia is the tendency to continue reacting to life the same way you always have. Thinking thoughts about yourself that are negative doesn’t allow you to grow because they limit the belief you carry about yourself. 

Internal Inertia is any habit of thought or behavior that robs you of the joy of being yourself. It is the work we would rather not face, but know if we overcome would propel us into the freedom we are seeking.

What is Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness is an intimate understanding of yourself as the individual being that you are.

It’s an exploration of the many layers of your character,  your overall feelings, underlying motives and desires.

Self-Awareness is an unshakable knowing of self, a secure and healthy relationship forged between yourself and the deeper pieces of you.

Why would i do this work? Why is it beneficial for me?

Doing this inner work is the untying of the knots that anchor you to your past pains.

Inner work encourages you to face the difficult emotions deep within you, to feel them out, express and release them.

It brings a shift of perspective that eradicates the toxic way you treat yourself and inspires you to create a mental/emotional space you want to be a part of.

Loving and learning about yourself is a life time adventure without an expiration. To become the observer of yourself is to form a never ending relationship or friendship with your soul that you will always look forward to feeling.